Contao Utils Bundle

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$attributes  : array<string|int, mixed>
*@var array Additional Link attributes as key value pairs. Will override title and style option. href is not allowed and will be removed from list.
$icon  : string
$linkText  : string
$popupTitle  : string
$route  : string
$style  : string
$title  : string
$urlOnly  : bool
$width  : int


__construct()  : mixed
setAttributes()  : PopupWizardLinkOptions
Set additional link attributes as key value pairs. Will override title and style option. href and onclick are not allowed and will be removed from list.
setIcon()  : PopupWizardLinkOptions
Add an additional attribute to the link.
setLinkText()  : PopupWizardLinkOptions
Override the default link text. Will be displayed after the link icon.
setPopupTitle()  : PopupWizardLinkOptions
Set the title of the popup.
setRoute()  : PopupWizardLinkOptions
Set the route to generate the link.
setStyle()  : PopupWizardLinkOptions
Override the default css style properties.
setTitle()  : PopupWizardLinkOptions
Set the title of the link.
setUrlOnly()  : PopupWizardLinkOptions
If only the url should be returned instead of a complete link element.
setWidth()  : PopupWizardLinkOptions
Set the width of the popup.



*@var array Additional Link attributes as key value pairs. Will override title and style option. href is not allowed and will be removed from list.

public array<string|int, mixed> $attributes = []


public string $linkText = ''

A linkTitle to show as link text. Will be displayed after the link icon. Default empty.


public string $style = 'display: inline-block;'

Override the default css style properties


public bool $urlOnly = false

If only the url should be returned instead of a complete link element



Set additional link attributes as key value pairs. Will override title and style option. href and onclick are not allowed and will be removed from list.

public setAttributes(array<string|int, mixed> $attributes) : PopupWizardLinkOptions
$attributes : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values

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